Brand Overview

Lemberi, a California-based brand, was founded in 2015 with a mission to provide gamers, pet owners, and desk workers with high-quality, comfortable, and ergonomic products.

Lemberi is passionate about creating a comfortable and healthy environment for its customers. This is achieved through the use of premium materials and cutting-edge design that prioritize the user’s well-being and experience.

Whether you’re a hardcore gamer, a dedicated desk worker, or a loving pet owner, Lemberi has you covered. From their top-of-the-line gaming chairs with customizable features, to their padded desks that reduce pressure points, and even their innovative dog houses with insulated walls for year-round comfort, Lemberi offers a range of products that cater to your needs.

Lemberi’s commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is unmatched, and their products are built to last. With Lemberi, you can trust that you’re getting the best in comfort, style, and durability

The Services

Here are the services that A9Experts provided:

The Challenges

Strong competition from established brands in the gaming chair, padded desk, and dog house industries, making it difficult to differentiate our products and stand out in the market.

Low brand recognition and awareness among potential customers, leading to low sales and limited growth opportunities.

Limited marketing budget to invest in advertising and promotional campaigns, making it difficult to compete with larger and more established brands in the market.

Limited resources and expertise in Amazon retail optimization and PPC advertising, resulting in suboptimal sales and marketing performance on the platform.

Difficulty in keeping up with changing trends and customer preferences in the highly dynamic gaming chair, padded desk, and dog house industries, leading to outdated product offerings and reduced customer engagement.

The Approach

In order to define our strategy, we conducted market research to better understand our target audience and their needs.

Low brand recognition and awareness among potential customers, leading to low sales and limited growth opportunities.

Market Research & Differentiation
At Lemberi, we understood the importance of market research and identifying key differentiators in our products. We conducted extensive research and analysis to identify unique selling propositions for each of our product categories.

Marketing & Branding
With a clear understanding of our brand differentiation, we focused on improving our marketing and branding efforts to attract and retain customers. We asked Lemberi to invest in professional photography, graphic design, and copywriting to create compelling A+ Content and product listings.

Amazon Presence
We knew that Amazon was a key sales channel for us, but we faced challenges with resellers and subpar customer experiences. To address this, we focused on improving our Amazon presence through enhanced content, a consistent pricing strategy, and Amazon Advertising campaigns targeting our core customers.

New Product Launches
With a pipeline of new products in development, we created a five-step launch plan to ensure each new product had a strong presence on Amazon from the start. This included creating pre-launch buzz, building out our listings, and running targeted Amazon Advertising campaigns.

Results & Metrics
Through these strategic efforts, we saw significant improvements in our Amazon presence, customer engagement, and sales. Our Amazon Advertising campaigns consistently outperformed the average ROAS on Amazon, and we successfully launched several new products with strong initial sales. We continue to monitor and adjust our strategies based on key metrics such as conversion rate, sales growth, and customer feedback to ensure ongoing success.

The Impact

We have been able to consistently increase our sales on Amazon, making it a highly attractive selling channel for our brand.

Our advertising efforts have resulted in an impressive 8-1 ROAS, surpassing Amazon’s average ROAS.

We have successfully increased Lemberi’s market share within the highly competitive Amazon marketplace, positioning ourselves as a leading player in the gaming chair, padded desk, and dog house industries.

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